mation about the new Penal Code in Illinois. I believe that the homosexual is more protected in Seattle than in any city in California. There is a dance in Seattle protected by the City Fathers. It is in the basement at present but I believe in the near future it will be on the first floor.

I believe that the general public is accepting the homosexual as a human and not as a sick person. I have not been told for a long time that I was sick because I am a homosexual.

Dear ONE:

Mr. H.

Santa Maria, Calif.

The first issue of my new subscription read and re-read with growing satisfaction and enjoyment. To one north of the 49th parallel the Magazine seems ultranationalistic, but basically many of the views and aims you express in print surmount the border. And many of the diverting stories have


universal appeal. But please don't forget your Canadian adherents to that "mystical bond of brotherhood."

Dear Sir:

Mr. E.

Toronto, Ontario

So many people who visit Texas, and especially Dallas, are very unhappy with the gay situation. Most people expect to find gay bar after gay bar at their disposal. Such is not the case.

For such a beautiful and wealthy city there are pitifully few. There are only two major and two small contenders. There are hundreds of gay people who, would go out but there is no place to go. Anyone willing to make the plunge of investing here would be richly repaid.


Mr. D. Dallas, Texas

Dear ONE:

I have inquired of a couple of my friends as to what the effect of the new laws in Illinois had on the life of homosexuals there and got mostly non-committal answers. One did say that he thought one couple who lived together were a little relieved, or had less inward guilty feeling or tenseness about their condition.

He thought that the obvious swishes would be more or less so anyway and that the new law had no effect on them. He thought that the police hounded the bars and the baths as much as they did before and one felt that the police were more active in public gathering places than they were before. Mr. B.

Milwaukee, Wisc.







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